Banksia Park Primary School


Parent Involvement

Banksia Park School R-6 welcomes and encourages parental involvement in our school community.  Being involved with our school community has many benefits for our students and school programs.

Some areas of involvement could be:

  • Healthy Fruit Days
  • Sports Day
  • Classroom involvement
  • School Governing Council
  • Parent / Family Morning Teas
  • Fundraising
  • Community Garden
  • Marketing Committee

 Please contact the school to find out next volunteer training dates.

Sharing Successes - Concerns

Good relationships between our school and the community give our children a greater chance of success and it is only natural that from time to time, parents will wish to share successes and have concerns about what happens at school. To ensure your ideas/concerns are handled in an effective way the following guidelines are suggested:

The Following Guidelines May Assist You To Take Up Your Suggestions/Concerns:

  1. Make an appointment to talk to the most relevant person - for classroom issues - the class teacher, school issues - Principal, Deputy Principal, Council Chairperson, Christian Pastoral Support Worker.
    • Making an appointment ensures the most productive use of the time available - when the person is free to give you his/her full attention.
    • Let them know what the issue is beforehand, so they are better able to provide any information that you might require .
  2. If you feel that an issue you have raised is still unresolved - it is important that you state this at the conclusion of the meeting.
    • You may wish to make your suggestions or express your concern on a form available at the office.
    • If the issues are not resolved, make an appointment with the Principal or Deputy Principal. Let them know what subject you wish to discuss as this will facilitate the process.
  3. Meet with the Principal or Deputy. Results of this meeting may include the following:
    • the situation is monitored
    • further discussions with the people involved
    • outside support for the child/school or family may be sought (eg Social Worker, Guidance Officer).
  4. At any stage through this process there is value in organising a follow-up contact to share successes or ongoing concerns and we urge you to ensure that this occurs. If the school does not receive further information, it is reasonable for the issue to be considered resolved.
  5. If you are still dissatisfied with an outcome, phone or write to the Principal again to air your concerns.
  6. If after steps 1-5 you are still dissatisfied, approach the District Director who will try to resolve the situation further. The expectation of the District Office will be that the above steps have been followed. District Directors are also keen to hear about successes. Feel free to contact them.

Our District Director's phone is 08 8366 8860.