Banksia Park Primary School


General Information


Classes take turns to organise school assemblies, which are held in weeks 3, 6 and 9 of each term.  Parents are invited to attend and dates of forthcoming assemblies are published in the Newsletter.

Assemblies provide opportunities to celebrate student achievements and for students to demonstrate their skills in a number of areas.


Once children turn six, they are legally obliged to attend school daily unless unwell or for certain, special circumstances.

Parents are responsible for regular attendance of younger children once they have been enrolled.

It is important that children’s regular attendance is encouraged and that they are not kept at home unless absolutely necessary. Good habits and practices start early in life.

If your child is absent, please let his/her teacher know. A written note or phone call is required.

If you wish to remove your child from school for 1 week or longer for holidays etc then you must seek in writing permission to exempt your child from school.

Dress Code

Item Description
Tops Navy blue sweatshirt or jumper (plain) Navy blue, gold, or white skivvy, t-shirt or polo shirt
Bottoms Navy blue cullottes, track-pants, trousers, shorts, skirt
Additional items Navy blue tunic and navy blue and white check dress (white collar and cuffs)
Hats Navy blue broad-brim, bucket or legionnaire hats are to be worn outdoors at all times.

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Messages to teachers can be sent through the student diary or communication books or note. Telephone messages through the school office to your children during the day should only be requested on an emergency basis.

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Spending Money

It is appropriate for children from time to time to have spending money. It is not recommended that children should keep large amounts of money with them during the day. For younger children please check with your child’s teacher about procedures in relation to this.

Children will not be permitted to leave the school grounds on school excursions without the written consent of their parents. Aquatic Consent and Medical Forms must be completed for any activities involving swimming. On an annual basis consent for short walks is requested via the Student Information Form.

Parents are encouraged to discuss with the principal or office staff any financial difficulties that may hinder a student’s participation in these activities as we can usually make some alternative arrangements.

Students are expected to wear dress code on excursions.

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Students Records

As required by DFE class teachers maintain a Pupil Record Folder for each child. The folders contain enrolment information; copies of student assessments and reports; any relevant documentation related to student’s learning needs and special education programs; and any medical information provided to the school by you or your child’s practitioners.

The Pupil Record Folder serves as a cumulative record of your child’s schooling. The contents of the folder are only used on a ‘need to know’ basis. If your child transfers to another school the folders are passed on. In line with Privacy Principles, upon written request, the folders are made available for you and your child to look through.

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Student Representative Council (SRC)

Class meetings occur in all classes regularly.

At the beginning of the year students from each class will elect two members to represent them at regular SRC meetings.

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