Banksia Park Primary School


Times and events


Classes take turns to organise school assemblies, which are held every fortnight on the even weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 of each term. Parents are invited to attend and are held in the school gym fortnightly on Wednesday’s between 9am and 9.30am. Assemblies provide opportunities to celebrate student achievements and for students to demonstrate their skills in a number of areas. In 2016, we changed the focus of assemblies to be more of a learning community, capitalizing on Growth Mindsets and the work that we are doing in “Building Learning Power’. Our brains have 17 learning muscles; each fortnight classes focus on a particular learning muscle, they then present this information to the whole school community and at the next assembly a class shares / recaps what they have learnt with the previous learning muscle and share the next muscle. Come along and find out more about how your brain works!

Bell Times

Bag bell 8.48 am
Recess 11.05 - 11.25 am
Lunch with teacher 12.55 - 1.05 pm
Play 1.05 - 1.35pm
Dismissal 3.05 pm

Parents are requested not to send children to school prior to 8.30 am. Playground supervision is provided between 8.30 am and 8.50 am and again in the afternoon until 3.20 pm. Children arriving at school prior to 8.30 am or remaining after 3.20 am are NOT supervised.

Children are not allowed to leave the school during the day without written permission or collection by parent/caregiver. An early collection form must be completed at the office and given to the class teacher when a child is leaving school earlier than 3.05 pm. N.B. On the last day of each term, dismissal is at 2.05 pm

Early Collection

When this is necessary an early collection form or a note must be completed. Early Collection forms are available at the office and must be completed by the adult collecting the student.

Once a student has arrived at school they will not be allowed to leave without written permission.

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Teachers are encouraged to plan excursions, performances and camps as part of their educational program. We attempt to provide parents/caregivers with as much prior notice as possible.

Children will not be permitted to leave the school grounds on school excursions without the written consent of their parents. Aquatic Consent and Medical Forms must be completed for any activities involving swimming. On an annual basis consent for short walks is requested via the Student Information Form.

Parents are encouraged to discuss with the principal or office staff any financial difficulties that may hinder a student’s participation in these activities as we can usually make some alternative arrangements.

Students are expected to wear dress code on excursions.

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Picking Your Child Up From School

Please make your child’s teacher aware of any arrangements if anyone other than you, or a regular caregiver, collects your children. It is best for written authorization to be given if any changes occur.

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