Banksia Park Primary School


Resource Centre

Resource Based Learning: Rationale

The school utilises their teacher librarian time to work with classes of students within the resource centre and computer room.  In this time students learn to access and utilise print and electronic resources for research purposes.

To support our aim of children becoming successful, lifelong and independent learners, we have developed a resource-based learning methodology which emphasises:

  • Relevant, purposeful learning experiences for each child
  • The development of problem solving and higher order thinking skills
  • The ability to access and process knowledge

Library Resource Centre

The Library/Resource Centre is well-stocked with a large range of fiction, non-fiction and electronic resources. Our annual budget, as well as our Book Fair, enables us to constantly upgrade these resources to better cater for the learning outcomes of our students.

The Library/Resource Centre is open before school each day from 8:30 a.m. as well as on most afternoons until 4:00 p.m.. Wednesday lunchtimes provides additional opportunities for students to borrow books or use the computers to complete unfinished work. Parents are welcome to visit at these times while classes also visit at various times during the school day/ week.

While students are all encouraged to borrow books, they are also reminded to care for these resources and return them in the same condition in which they were borrowed by the due date.  Lost or damaged books can incur a replacement cost fine.  For the older students we have a ‘Senior Fiction’ section to cater for their more sophisticated interests.

The Library staff fully support the Premier’s Reading Challenge as well as Book Week during Term 3 of each year.

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Our school is well resourced with new technologies which includes:

  • Dedicated computer room where each child has access to their own computer
  • Computers in each classroom
  • Interactive whiteboards in each class teaching area
  • Students have controlled access to the internet and intranet
  • Web based programs (such as Mathletics) which can also be accessed from home
  • Students have access to a wide range of other digital devices (cameras and video recorders etc). A bank of iPads in each classroom allows for students to access programs to support learning.