Banksia Park Primary School


Required Areas of Study


Studies in English (Literacy) extend students’ proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing in a variety of contexts and situations.  They involve comprehending, appreciating and producing an ever-widening range of texts and the discussion and evaluation of such texts.  The study of English is required throughout the years of compulsory schooling.  Students for whom English is a second language or who have language disabilities will be supported as appropriate.

Languages Other Than English – (LOTE) German

All students in the primary years are required to study a language other than English.  Our school teaches German

We have a LOTE curriculum framework, which is used for teaching German.  The topics are strongly linked to other parts of the school curriculum.  The programme ensures the learning of the language, culture, country and people.


Studies in Mathematics provide students with knowledge and understanding of space, measurement, chance and statistical data, number and algebra and the relationships between ideas in these domains

An appreciation of the role of mathematics (numeracy) in our society and confidence in using mathematical information are essential for lifelong skills

Health and Physical Education (PE)

Studies in health education and physical education provide students with a balance of knowledge, processes and skills, which equip them for independent living based on informed decisions.  Students so equipped are able to promote and protect their own and others’ physical, social and emotional well-being.

We have a PE teacher who provides a  variety of sports and skill based activities for children and provide parents with feedback of how their children are performing.

Fitness is part of our daily curriculum in addition to the PE lessons.


Studies in Science provide opportunities for student to develop ways of investigating, describing and understanding our physical and biological worlds and to apply these to solving problems beyond the context of the classroom.  Studies in Science encourage students to seek and use evidence as the basis for forming ideas and taking action, and assist in the development of responsible attitudes towards the environment.

Society and Environment

Society and environment expands learners’ knowledge and understandings of their own and other societies, of local and global environments, and of the interdependence between people, their society and their environment. It promotes knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that lead to activate participation in their local and global society.

The Learning Area of society and environment is organised around four strands:

  • Time, continuity and change
  • Place, space and environment
  • Societies and cultures
  • Social systems

The Arts

Studies in the Arts involve students in experiences of creating, presenting and appreciating various forms of art.  These studies will result in students acquiring arts knowledge and developing a range or artistic skill and other skills related to planning and design that will equip them for lifelong involvement in the appreciation of the Arts.  Such studies include the visual arts, craft, design, dance, drama, media studies and music.

Design and Technology

Studies in Design and Technology provide students with opportunities to develop technological capability through planning, developing and refining design concepts, selecting appropriate materials, tools and processes for particular design purposes, carrying designs through to completion and appraising the outcomes.

The skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Information Communication Technology (ICT) are embedded across all learning areas.

For further information about each of the learning areas please go to the DECD website which is: